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CO2 neutral pet food and snacks from Imby: Tested & approved!

The CO2 neutral pet food and dog snacks of Imby offer many health benefits and are 100% natural, hypoallergenic and delicious.

Healthy Pet Food

Gezonde voeding voor een gelukkig huisdier

Anti allergie hondenvoer

Insect-based Dog Food

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A best practice of our nutritionists is to taste all food recipes first before giving them to our pets. You wouldn’t think so, would you? Our team has already consumed several kilos of dog food. We thought we would use this blog post to share some insights about our CO2-free dog food and snacks.

Dogs make their choice of food entirely on the basis of smell

As we are pioneers in the space of insect-based and plant-based dog food, we are often asked by our Imby customers how insects smell and taste. The honest answer is that it depends greatly on the type of insect used. The reason we work with mealworms is their high nutrient content coupled with a pleasant smell. Did you know that every dog selects its food 100% on the basis of smell? They have a sense of smell that is many times stronger than that of their owners (and fortunately so!).

Mealworm powder has a pleasant aroma and smells like oven-based biscuits

Mealworm powder smells like biscuits and has a fairly neutral taste. What makes our recipes special, however, are the spices and oils we add as natural flavor enhancers. In addition, we always bake part of our kibble in the oven at a low temperature, which means that much more of the aroma is retained in our chunks. So when you open an Imby bag, you smell the aroma of oven-baked biscuits. If you are tempted to try one, we can tell you that you should not expect anything sweet or salty. Although you may recognize the aroma of thyme or oregano, the taste is generally quite neutral.

We only use natural ingredients without adding any sugars. You will also notice that our kibble is a little greasy as this aids digestion and chewing of the meal. It remains dry food, of course, so it is recommended to provide both you and your dog with an extra portion of water to ensure that you take in enough H2O.


Our kibbles are shaped like triangles and squares with a diameter of 1 centimeter. They are therefore suitable for all breeds and ages. Our square chunks are bursting with herbs and provide a delicious aroma. They are packed with vitamins. The triangular chunks contain proteins and fats to provide our four-legged friends with energy. What’s more, all our chunks are CO2 -free, so our planet can enjoy these recipes too. Tastes like more, doesn’t it? You can find more information on our Quality & Health page.

EACH OF OUR NATURAL DOG SNACKS HAs a functional benefit

An ideal day for your four-legged friend starts with a chew bar or dental stick. Imby’s Bite & Breath dental sticks are vegetable, contain fresh mint and are ideal for cleaning teeth. They also come in a shorter size, so you can treat your dog several times a day. Our Skin & Coat biscuits are the perfect daytime snack. You can use them as an allergen-free training biscuit or as a snack. The mix of spices promotes blood flow to the skin, making the coat of your fluffy ball shine. Finally, we have an ideal dessert for bedtime. The Imby Snooze & Sleep biscuits are also plant-based and contain chamomile for an optimal night’s sleep. You have a chamomile tea and your four-legged friend a chamomile biscuit. Something for everyone. Sweet dreams!

Gezonde voeding voor een gelukkig huisdier

Anti allergie hondenvoer

Insect-based Dog Food



Can dogs eat blueberries?
Yes, dogs can eat blueberries! These nutrient-rich superfoods make a healthy, delicious snack for your pup.


Can dogs eat honey?
Yes, dogs can eat honey! In small amounts, it’s perfectly safe, but due to its high sugar content, it’s best to give it in moderation.


Can dogs eat yogurt
Yes, dogs can eat yoghurt! It’s a great source of probiotics, but make sure it’s plain and free from harmful sweeteners like xylitol.

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