The benefits of vegan dog food
The benefits of vegan dog food are many: better digestion, lower risk of allergies and a healthier heart. Read more here!
Gluten Intolerance in Dogs – A Detailed Guide
Gluten intolerance in dogs can lead to severe intestinal problems, skin conditions and physical complaints. In this complete guide, you’ll discover all about the causes and what you can do to reduce symptoms.
5 Benefits of grain-free dog food
Grain-free dog food has a number of benefits such as smoother digestion, healthier skin and lower risk of allergies. Discover the 5 biggest benefits of grain-free food here.
What does normal dog poop look like?
Dog poop reveals a lot of information about your dog’s health. The coherence, color, content and coating are the 4 most important indicators.
Is vegan or vegetarian dog food healthy?
What are the advantages & risks of feeding my dog a vegan or vegetarian food? Plantbased dog food is healthy, but there are a few watch-outs.
What are the most common food allergens for dogs?
The most common food allergens for dogs are animal proteins such as chicken, beef and lamb. But there are also other ingredients to avoid.
CO2 neutral pet food and snacks from Imby: Tested & approved!
The CO2 neutral pet food and dog snacks of Imby offer many health benefits and are 100% natural, hypoallergenic and delicious.
Can dogs thrive on a vegetarian diet?
Dogs are omnivores, so they can digest both plant-based ingredients as well as meat. Recent studies show many positives about vegan dog food.
Our feeding guide helps to avoid dog overweight
A third of all dogs suffer from overweight. A feeding guide can help to avoid overweight and feed the right daily food quantities.